



美国全球 is the central international office for the 十大彩票网投平台. We support the University's Strategic Priority of Global Engagement by working with colleges, departments, faculty, staff, students, and the Mobile area community to facilitate the comprehensive internationalization of 十大彩票网投平台. 美国全球 encourages the hosting of international 游客s and provides counsel, assistance, and will maintain records of international 游客s for the 机构s.

美国 requests that all international 游客s are registered with 美国全球 in the 国际教育办公室. 美国学院和院系举办国际 访客或参观团需在线填写 国际访客通知表格.

我们喜欢把国际访客视为贵宾. 美国全球办公室会安排 any university meetings beyond the hosting department or college if the International 访问者是下列情况之一.

  • Other University 总统s, Chancellors and Provosts or equivalent
  • Current and former high-ranking 政府官员s such as heads of state, ambassadors, 总领事等.
  • 其他政府和宗教官员
  • 知名访客
  • 高级军官

If your 游客 is a sitting official of the United States government, please contact 尼克·劳金斯,政府关系执行主任.

美国全球’s 国际教育办公室 (OIE) provides guidance on protocol 供来访的外国代表团参考:

  • 恰当的称呼方式
  • 文化习俗
  • 交换礼物
  • 国旗礼仪

The OIE can also provide briefing and agenda templates, as well as suggestions regarding 美国 administrators, faculty and student groups with whom the 游客(s) might meet. If you are planning to develop a formal agreement with an international 机构, please see 美国’s international partnership guidelines and templates found at sxxledu.com/departments/ie. Please contact OIE to ensure that an agreement does not already exist between 美国 以及潜在的合作机构. 此外,所有协议提交给 the 美国 Attorney’s Office for legal review should be copied to Bri Ard, OIE Director, bard@sxxledu.com

This reference is designed to guide faculty, administrators, and staff in arranging 国际客人或代表团的短期访问. 它包含信息 about University resources, suggestions on planning and scheduling, advise on gifts, 一般注意事项.

美国 faculty and staff members often host international delegations or individual colleagues for short-term campus visits to develop educational partnerships, explore research 合作或提供对美国的介绍. 以下资源与大家共享 模板可以帮助单位规划国际游客.


  • Enhancing the educational or research capacity of your department, academic unit, 或者更大的大学.
  • Creating new international learning opportunities for 美国 students.
  • Exploring new opportunities for bringing international students to your academic program.
  • 围绕共同感兴趣的话题交流知识和想法.

访问 formats may range from general introductions to detailed partnership planning 或者签约仪式和庆祝活动.


  • 你和来访代表团有什么渊源? 你或你的部门有吗 an existing relationship with the 机构 or organization or does the visit represent 合作的新可能性?
  • Is there sufficient faculty/staff interest among your colleagues to explore collaboration 与来访的组织或机构? 如果有,这些特殊的领域是什么 感兴趣的? 它们如何与访问者的目标保持一致?
  • 是谁要求访问的?? 你发出邀请了吗,还是客人联系你了 美国?
  • What are the benefits of this visit for your department, academic unit or the broader 机构?
  • 什么费用和时间承诺将涉及访问?
  • Who are the members 十大彩票网投平台这次访问ing delegation and Are you able to connect 游客s 与具有类似头衔或地位的美国同行? 日程安排和可用性可能 要考虑的因素.

The following considerations can guide you in hosting international 游客s:

  • Communicate with the 游客s to acknowledge the request and adjust or confirm the 访问时间. 想想美国的学术日历,周末,活动,假期, graduation ceremonies, and availability of the appropriate people to meet with the 访客在安排访问时.
  • Identify a coordinator for the visit to build the itinerary, schedule meetings and 解决后勤问题. 协调员通常是教员或管理员 在主机单元内. 全球美国将根据需要支持和协助协调员.
  • Prepare formal invitation letters for the 游客s, if requested. 这些信是 经常需要帮助来访者获得美国的援助.S. 签证. 一定要写上全名 of each 游客, the dates they will be on campus and the purpose(s) 十大彩票网投平台这次访问.
  • 列出与访问有关的费用(例如.g. 酒店、托管等.),并说明谁是付款人 每笔费用.
  • 考虑访问者的“层次”. 所涉及的协议将会有很大的不同 the visit of a professor/researcher and the visit of a high-ranking university or 政府官员.
  • Build an itinerary that includes full titles, contact information and bios for each 游客. Background information helps 美国 colleagues better understand the context 十大彩票网投平台这次访问. Where possible, incorporate the cultural customs 十大彩票网投平台这次访问ors’ home 在适当的地方使用正式的称呼.


  • 残疾的人
  • 饮食限制
  • 运输
  • 语言地址需要翻译服务